Mandy Tremelling
Mandy Tremelling can remember writing stories since she was in the third grade. She vaguely remembers a story about a secret unicorn. Once she got to middle school she entered a Writer’s Ink club that met every Wednesday. They learned different writing techniques and met lots of writers who helped shape her goals to publish. This club also introduced her to the NaNoWriMo program.
During the NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) program, Mandy has written several books under the name Mandy_Rose. She self published (or Indie published) her first two novellas (NaNoWriMo books written in middle school) under the name Rose Winters while in high school.
During her junior year in high school she received the inspiration for My World of Glass after her own struggles with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression.
She now lives in Northern Utah with her husband, their daughter, and their dog and two cats. She holds a degree in Social Work and another in Criminal Justice. She's generally found bingeing crime dramas, reading, or at her day job if she's not with her family. She also plays several musical instruments (forever a band kid) and hopes to pass on her creativity to her daughter.
Mandy's Works ~
My World of Glass
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