MandyDate Published

Hello! I don't normally like talking about myself, but for some reason it is so much easier to introduce myself to strangers. So, even though I may already know some of you, I'm going to pretend I don't for a moment.
Starting from the beginning. I have been writing ever since my mom showed me I could staple papers together to make a book. Fast forward and I'm in an after school writing club in middle school. From that class I'll publish my two novellas and begin writing full length novels. The first of which will be published in 2018, My World of Glass.
Away from writing, I live in Utah with my dream man (quite literally - I found 14 year old Me's "wish list" and he tics off all the requirements) and our daughter and our tri-colored corgi and yellow lab. I have a degree in criminal justice which accompanies my newest degree in social work, and I work in my dream job in child welfare. Basically, I've made it in life.
However, I'm not even 30 yet so I have a lot to keep working toward. Part of that goal is to publish more of my stories. I'm not one of those authors who is terrified of having people read their work. I would MUCH rather have people read it and tell me it wasn't for them. I write for an audience. It's what motivates me. So in order to keep my fantasy escape, I have to keep writing and keep sharing.
If you've followed me for a while you'll know occasionally I drop random musings. But I try to keep my posts relevant. Please ask me questions and please let me know what kind of content you would like to see. I want to have conversations with my readers! Thank you for joining me on my journey, I am so glad you're here.